Monika, a BMX flatlander and photographer, came all the way from Hungary to my wedding in Paris, and she took amazing pictures. To attend my wedding, she had to travel a long path from her home town Gyongyos in Hungary to Paris in France, one of my special guests and my full time wedding photographer for 3 days in beautiful Paris, where wedding pictures cost at least 1000 Euros!

stories-monika-wedding-6 stories-monika-wedding-5 stories-monika-wedding-3 stories-monika-wedding-2 stories-monika-wedding-1 Picture by Addrian Deccico










I met Monika through Facebook back in 2011, I think, She rides BMX Flatland and She takes good pictures of that along her trips around the world, I watched her blog about Germany, Hungary, India and Japan and We became friends.

I saw her then documenting every moment of my wedding preparation while saying to all the family “think im not here, im invisible”, She managed to capture very natural and  unforgettable moments of my wife’s adorable grandmas and beautiful moments of me I had never seen.

There is a very special picture, one which got viral and famous, one picture I dreamed with and without it my wedding wouldn’t had been complete.



The relationship wouldn’t have been complete neither if I hadn’t gone all the way to Gyongyos, her hometown, where I met her life and her family and where We finally rode together. I saw the beautiful Hungary and I spent some very nice days there.

You wanna read more? read Monika’s side of the story in her HIMOPIC blog here

– End.

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