The plan is to post about all the countries, be patient, it takes a lot of time, This is the country list:

| Albania | Austria | Argelia | Argentina | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Bolivia | Bosnia | Brasil | Bulgaria | Cambodia | Chile | China | Colombia | Costa Rica | Croatia | Cyprus | Northern Cyprus | Czech Republic | Curazao | Corea del Sur | Denmark | Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | England | Estonia | Finland | Francia | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Groenlandia | Honduras | Hungary | Iceland | Indonesia | Irlanda | Israel | Italy | Japan | Jordania | Kosovo | Latvia | Lebanon | Lituania | Luxemburgo | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Mexico | Moldavia | Mongolia | Morocco | Netherlands | Nicaragua | Nor Irlanda | Norway | Panama | Palestine | Paraguay | Perú | Philippines | Portugal | Qatar | Rumania | Russia | San Marino | Scotland | Serbia | Singapur | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria |Thailand | Trinidad&Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | USA | Vatican | Venezuela | Vietnam


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