Turku, June 2013.

Filnand one more time, now for David& Heinis’s marriage party.

I was living in Oslo, with Camille, Marriage was on June 30 and July 4th was my last day in my company, I decided to quit my great job as engineer in Norway to move south, near home, not to Colombia, but to China, Camille got 1 year job in China, her salary would be 6 times lower than my current salary, but I thank her for taking me out of the hard-easy life of the nordics, I lived there for 2 years. (I write this from China, where we have been living for 2 months so far).

So I quit my company, we took a flight Oslo-Stockholm, then we took a 1 night cruise Stockholm-Turku, sounds like luxury? not at all, flight was 60 EUR and the cruise was 20 EUR. In Stockholm we meet Norbey and Diana, they were steping there in their way to turku, so we took the cruise together. The cruise is great, I like it, quiet, with bars and cheap restaurants and a great view all the time, night and day. We made it to Turku at 7 am, then we walked a lot to their apartment, but they werent there, so we took a bus to the prty place, a town 1 hour away Turku, beautiful place, all the guests stayed in a cabin and the party was in Heini´s parents farm, finish landscape is flat, with grass and blue sky.

After Turku we took a flight to Riga, stayed 1 day there and went back to Oslo, just to finish packing and take our flight to Paris, 2 days later we were flying to Colombia! Finally! but thats another story!

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