Finland, April and May 2012. Spring
Finland from the air. I traveled from Sweden to Finland about 9 times, in all the seasons, but in total I stayed about 4 months in Finland. I lived with Maria, my Swedish ex-girlfriend (and who I now appreciate with all my soul), why the hell my company was sending me to Finland? I was supposed to be with my girlfriend in Sweden, why to be in a further country and alone?. Finland was a love breaker, it destroyed me, it destroyed my relationship with Maria.
Going back home with Maria for weekends was each time sadder, Me, depressed, and She lovely but couldn´t warm what the Swedish and Finish winter did to me. Can you imagine me? airports, trains, comming home, going again, then in my apartment in Helsinki, with only my bicycle?
So here I am in Finland, 3 months so far, It is June and I feel cold, I have felt cold since last september, not complaining, but being a Colombian (don’t forget the fact that Bogota is 20 degrees average, 25 max), I dont have the winter in my blood, Christmas in Colombia has always been another month, 20 degrees average, with a lot lot amount of christmas ligghting, more parties than usual, christmas food shared here and there by aunts and neighbours, a little more robbery than usual in the streets, and christmas has been the whole december, including gifts opening on 24th midnight, anyway nothing related to cold and snow.
Well, I was saying, lunch, then more work, at 6 I usually have chinesse dinner, we have a chinese cheff and food is really good, and much better than going home and cook or eating expensive outside. I took the bus back to home, grabbed my bicycle and went for a riding, not so much energy today but I needed to feel the ramp I have 10 minutes away and some fresh air. I am now back home, it is 23:00 and still clear outside.
I could write much about helsinki, I am an observer, i notice behaviors, I discover new things in the streets, things that only a foreigner could notice, things that only a Colombian could notice.
I recently feel again how it feels to walk with no sand in the streets, they put little stones everywhere to fight the snow in the pavement, so winter means: a big jacket, never forget the gloves at home, a cap in cold days, good shoes, sand in the pavement and a long snow melting, Snow was gone 1 month ago, it is weird but now I don’t remember so well how it was it in winter.
I found a great book, I was desperate since i finished 1Q84 here, but I found a public library with books in Spanish, so I went just before it closed and picked 1 book from the shelf, I love to feel the books and chose one, this one is amazingly good, I like it, I mean, it is called “el desorden de tu nombre”.
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